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County Board Briefs –– 5-28-24

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May 28, 2024


Board Chair Thanks Veterans Organizations

Mike Gamache, chair, Anoka County Board of Commissioners, took a few moments at the board meeting to thank all the local veterans organizations that participated in Memorial Day services over the weekend at Morningside Memorial Gardens in Coon Rapids and Bunker Hills Activity Center in Andover. To watch the video on this item, click HERE. 

 Viking Boulevard to be Resurfaced in Oak Grove

The board adopted a resolution authorizing the acquisition of right of way for the resurfacing of Viking Boulevard, from bridge 0295 over the Rum River to Lake George Boulevard, in the City of Oak Grove. This project is scheduled for construction in 2025. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Lexington Ave., 122nd Ave. NW Intersection to be Improved

The board awarded a contract to Forest Lake Contracting Inc. for improvements to the Lexington Avenue, 122nd Avenue intersection in Blaine. The upgrades will include construction of a traffic control signal system, updated pedestrian accommodations, and an improved intersection level of service for current and future traffic demands. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Supplemental Funding Accepted to Address Tuberculosis Cases

The Anoka County Public Health Department receives an annual grant from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) which, in part, is used to help address refugee health and tuberculosis (TB). Due to an increase in TB cases Anoka County as recently experienced, MDH is supplementing the county $100,000 for 2024 for TB prevention and control activities. The board voted to accept this grant supplement. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Additional Grant Funding to be used for Homeless Prevention

The Anoka County Community Social Services and Behavioral Health (CSSBH) Department applied for $2.5 million in funding from the Minnesota Housing and Finance Agency and was awarded an additional grant of more than $1.5 million for the 2023-2025 biennium. This additional funding will be used to reach households residing in areas of concentrated poverty, to assist those most disparately impacted, including offering assistance to households that are facing imminent eviction. The board approved contracts with local organizations to facilitate the use of this funding. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Memorandum Approved for Presidential Inauguration 

The board approved a memorandum between the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington, D.C. and the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office regarding the 2025 Presidential Inauguration. The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office has been asked to participate with the Inauguration by providing personnel. The Sheriff’s Office will be reimbursed for participation from Washington, D.C. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Kari Morrissey Appointed Director of Emergency Communications 

The board approved an employment agreement with Kari Morrissey, appointing her the new Department Director of Emergency Communications. She has been with Anoka County Emergency Communications for 32 years. For more information on this item, click HERE. 

Joint Powers Agreement Approved for Housing Aid

The board approved entering into a joint powers agreement with the state for receipt and administration of local affordable housing aid.  At the end of the last legislative session, the State authorized a new .25% sales tax to be used for affordable housing. There are two funding sources that will come directly to Metropolitan Counties:

• Local Affordable Housing Aid.

• State Affordable Housing Aid.

Each of these new funding sources are required to be used to support or create affordable housing. Counties will have 4 years to expend the funds or request approval to roll the unexpended funds into a housing trust fund Based on Early projections, Anoka County is anticipated to receive $8 to $10 million between these two programs on an annual basis. For more information on this item, click HERE.

To watch the full board meeting, click HERE.